Saturday, October 3, 2009

my dearest aunty mele. i love you forever

I know that she wouldnt want us to cry but rather be happy that she's with the Lord. And although i know now that she is at peace and is no longer suffering. I feel selfish enough to say that i wish she was still here just a while longer. Because although this life was enough for her , it wasn;t for me. I can't help but cry everytime I think of her. I miss you so much aunty and iwill never forget the strong , beautiful and powerful woman that you are. Never will there ever be someone as amazing and faithful as you. And never will I ever open my heart to let someone else take your place. You are our newest angel and I will ALWAYS. love you. I will always remember the many many times you and Merrik would come to visit. Merrik being another sister to us and you being another Mother. Knowing you would be coming to visit meant knowing the upcoming weekend was going to be filled with fun. Taking trips to Wilmington to get Tommy's Chilli Cheese fries, Compton to cruise around and find a corn man to buy corn from. Blockbuster to get movies and junk food from Wal-Mart. But most of all just all of us sitting in the living room all night talking and laughing and just having a good time as a FAM[iLY]. I am so grateful to know that I have a special guardian angel watching over me. You are my inspiration and role model. If I can be half the person that you have been I will be okay. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I know that if I continue to live the gospel I will see you again. I.Miss.You. :'(

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